Utility Providers
Here is a list of Charleston area utility and service providers, divided by counties. Please contact me at 843-870-0890 if you have trouble locating a service provider or if you discover an error on the list.
Summerville, Ladson, Goose Creek, Hanahan, Daniel Island, Moncks Corner
Berkeley Electric Co-Op, (843) 572-5454, www.becsc.com
Santee Cooper (843) 761-8000, www.santeecooper.com
South Carolina Electric & Gas, (800) 251-7234, www.sceg.com
Berkeley County Water & Sanitation, (843) 572-4400, www.bcwsa.com
Charleston Water System, (843) 727-6800, www.charlestonwater.com
City of Goose Creek, (843) 824-2200, www.cityofgoosecreek.com
Moncks Corner Water Works, (843) 719-7965, 118 Carolina Avenue, Moncks Corner, SC 29461
City of Goose Creek, (843) 824-2200, www.cityofgoosecreek.com
Republic Services, (843) 873-4810
Suburban Disposal, (843) 873-4810, www.republicservices.com
Town of Moncks Corner, www.townofmonckscorner.sc.gov
Berkeley County Water & Sanitation – curbside! Kimberly Chernomas (843) 572-4400 x 2383
Berkeley County Recycling, DROP SITE LOCATIONS: www.bcwsa.com/recycling/default.aspx
Comcast, (843) 554-4100, www.comcast.com
Time Warner Cable, (866) 666-1203, www.buytimewarnercable.com
DIRECTV, (888) 777-2454, www.directvdeals.com
AT&T / U-verse, (800) 288-1145, www.att.com/u-verse
Additional Resources
Goose Creek Post Office, (843) 553-0321, www.usps.com
Goose Creek Recreation Center, (843) 569-4242, www.goosecreekrecreation.com
Hanahan Parks & Recreation, www.cityofhanahan.com/recreation.cfm
Moncks Corner Post Office, (843) 761-8455, www.usps.com
Moncks Corner YMCA, (843) 761-9622, www.ymca.com
Summerville YMCA, (843) 871-9622, www.summervilleymca.com
Berkeley County Library, www.bds.sc.gov
Berkeley County Schools, http://berkeley.k12.sc.us
South Carolina DMV, (843) 727-6477, www.scdmvonline.com
Mount Pleasant, Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island, Charleston, North Charleston, West Ashley, James Island, Johns Island, Folly Beach
South Carolina Electric & Gas, (800) 251-7234, www.sceg.com
Charleston Water System, (843) 727-6800, www.charlestonwater.com
Mount Pleasant Waterworks, (843) 884-9626, www.mountpleasantwaterworks.com
Sanitation, www.charlestoncounty.org/departments/SolidWaste/garbage.htm
Charleston: (843) 724-7364
Folly Beach: (843) 588-2447
Isle of Palms: (843) 886-8956
James Island PSD: (843) 795-9060
Kiawah Island: (843) 768-9166
Lincolnville: (843) 873-3261
Mount Pleasant: (843) 884-8517
North Charleston: (843) 745-1026
Seabroook Island: (843) 768-9121
St. Andrews PSD: (843) 556-6310
Sullivan’s Island: (843) 883-3198
Charleston County Recycling, www.charlestoncounty.org/departments/solidwaste/index.htm
Comcast, (843) 554-4100, www.comcast.com
Time Warner Cable, (866) 666-1203, www.buytimewarnercable.com
DIRECTV, (888) 777-2454, www.directvdeals.com
AT&T / BellSouth (888) 757-6500, www.att.com
Additional Resources
Charleston County Public Library, (843) 805-6930, www.ccpl.org
Charleston County Parks and Recreation, (843) 795-4386, www.ccprc.com
Charleston County Schools, www.ccsdschools.com
South Carolina DMV, (843) 727-6477, www.scdmvonline.com
North Charleston, Summerville, Ridgeville
South Carolina Electric & Gas, (800) 251-7234, www.sceg.com
Summerville Commissioners of Public Works, (843) 871-0810, www.summervillecpw.com
Dorchester County Water Authority, (843) 875-0141, www.dcwaonline.com
Dorchester County Water & Sewer Department, (843) 832-0075, www.dorchestercounty.net
Waste Industries USA, Inc., (843) 875-4900, www.wasteindustries.com
Suburban Disposal (843) 873-4810, www.republicservices.com
Dorchester County Recycling, DROP SITE LOCATIONS: www.dorchestercounty.net/index.aspx?page=300
Comcast, (843) 554-4100, www.comcast.com
Time Warner Cable, (866) 666-1203, www.buytimewarnercable.com
DIRECTV, (888) 777-2454, www.directvdeals.com
AT&T / BellSouth (888) 757-6500, www.att.com
Additional Resources
Summerville Post Office, (843) 873-3571, www.usps.com
Summerville YMCA, (843) 871-9622, www.summervilleymca.com
Summerville Library, (843) 871-5075, www.dd.lib.sc.gov
Dorchester County Schools, www.dorchester2.k12.sc.us
South Carolina DMV, (843) 727-6477, www.scdmvonline.com
Are you thinking of buying or selling property in the greater Charleston area? Please call or text me at 843-870-0890, schedule a call with me here, or fill out the form below.